Ranked Analysis of Major Programs System


This project will create an online tool to allow advisors and students to easily explore their degree completion options, pick a major, map a completion plan and produce a projected timeline.

RAMPS takes a student’s prior coursework as input, analyzes it against all undergraduate programs at UArizona, and ranks the programs highest to lowest according to the satisfaction of degree requirements


Undergraduates are often confused and anxious about major selection, a crucial college milestone and decision that influences career trajectory, for better or worse. More than half of students change their major at least once, often without understanding the ramifications of taking unnecessary courses that delay degree completion and increase degree cost. Changing majors can mean taking summer courses, a heavier course load, or staying in school longer to make up new major requirements. These scenarios cost money and add stress to degree completion. This project will provide a tool for advisors and students to identify the most efficient pathways for students who wish to change majors. 

Strategic Alignment
Pillar 1 - Wilcat Journey

RAMPS addresses the needs of our students from initial enrollment to timely graduation with earlier, proactive advising practices. The major selection tool will generate data-informed, timely, and actionable strategies for students, especially those who need support towards graduation, and will help them make informed decisions about major selection and better understand viable pathways to degree completion.

Pillar 5 - Institutional Excellance 

RAMPS is an innovative strategic initiative that will empower academic advisors with the tools they need to enhance the student experience and help students accomplish the goal of graduation. This project will keep UArizona at the national forefront of student-centered data tools that are accurate, reliable, and accessible to help with result-based strategic decisions.