Jumpstart your academic year with Wildcat LEAP!
The Wildcat LEAP online summer program provides cost-free opportunities for new Wildcats to establish an early connection with the university, prepare for or improve academic placement, and ensure a successful first year at the University of Arizona.
Students enroll in an online math or writing opportunity or take both. These are cost-free, non-credit experiences that prepare you for the academic placement processes and lay the foundation for success as a Wildcat.
Math Workshops
Monday, June 10 - Friday, June 28, 2024
Monday, July 15 - Friday, August 2, 2024
This online three-week program provides incoming students with an opportunity to solidify math skills and improve math placement. Success in your first math and science courses is a top factor in completing and succeeding in your major. You will receive live online support and individualized math tutoring, placement advisement, academic skills coaching, and connection to other campus activities and resources. You can also take the placement exam (one free attempt) at the end of the experience. Students select one 2-hour time slot for all daily meetings during the three-week period.
Live online time options (MST – Arizona time):
- 9:00am-11:00am M-F
- 12:00pm-2:00pm M-F
Writing Workshop
Monday, July 15 - Friday, July 26, 2024
The online writing option is a 2-week workshop that provides participants opportunities to:
- get a jump start on learning, reading and writing practices;
- work with an academic coach; and
- collaborate on determining your best writing course placement for the Fall semester.
- Identify and employ basic terms and concepts from Foundations Writing courses.
- Demonstrate an understanding of core literacy and rhetoric terms and concepts in writing and discussions.
- Illustrate how rhetoric applications and conventions of organization, design, style, and mechanics work together to suit different audiences and purposes.
- Employ the social nature of writing and participate in the peer review process.
- Modify written work based on feedback from a writing community.
The workshop will be asynchronous online (no required live component) with work due only 3 days per week. You will be asked to submit activities and will have multiple opportunities to receive feedback and online support. Instructors will be available for synchronous (live) meetings throughout the program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Wildcat LEAP is coordinated centrally by the Office of Undergraduate Education in partnership with Enrollment Management, the Department of Mathematics, the Foundations Writing Program within the Department of English, and THINK TANK.
Wildcat LEAP is a cost-free, fully online summer program that provides an opportunity for new Wildcats to establish an early connection with the university, prepare for or improve academic placement, and ensure a successful first year at the University of Arizona. Students enroll in an online math or writing program or take both. The offerings are non-credit experiences that prepare students for the academic placement processes and lay the foundation for success as a Wildcat.
No. The Wildcat LEAP program is not mandatory. It is an optional program to help students establish an early connection with the university, prepare for or improve academic placement, and ensure a successful first year at the University of Arizona.
The placements taken before orientation are the same ones offered within the LEAP program. You should take your placements before orientation and attend Wildcat LEAP. The LEAP program will potentially help improve placement for Math and assist in determining whether your Writing placement is the most appropriate fit.
The math workshops have an emphasis on reviewing algebra skills. While always useful, it may not be the level of math some students are looking for. Students are welcome to attend the first day or two and see if the math workshops are a good fit. Students will work in an online program called ALEKS, which is individualized to the topics that students need help with.
Wildcat LEAP takes places during the summer, typically in June and July.
Do not delay your placements. Take them before your orientation session. You can still register for LEAP. The LEAP program will potentially help improve placement for Math and assist in determining whether your Writing placement is the most appropriate fit.
Because the Math and Writing workshops within the LEAP program are only three weeks long, a whole week will put you behind significantly in the workshops. Students should register for Wildcat LEAP with the intention to complete the program offerings.
All program offerings are fully online.
Registration for Wildcat LEAP typically opens in early May. Students will receive email communications with registration instructions around that time.
You need a UA NetID to participate in Wildcat LEAP because the program utilizes the D2L learning platform. Your UA NetID is your personal identifier for a number of online services at the University of Arizona. Some of the services requiring a NetID include:
- E-mail and UITS computing accounts (CatMail, UAConnect, HPC)
- UAccess applications (Student, Employee, Analytics, etc.)
- D2L – a web-based course management system used in 700+ courses on campus
- University site-licensed software
- OSCR computer labs
The UA NetID verifies identity when it is used for online services the University of Arizona provides. It consolidates the disparate authentication mechanisms of various UA online services and helps ensure the privacy of personal information and restrict the use of resources to those for whom they are intended.
After your initial registration is complete, we communicate with you only via your official UArizona email address. Official program communications will not be sent to your GMail, iCloud, Microsoft, or any other non-UArizona email addresses.
Academic skills coaching includes a series of individual meetings with a professional learning specialist or peer academic coach to help students develop and refine the skills necessary to succeed at the University of Arizona. Topics include balancing and prioritizing time, success in courses, and test preparation. Academic skills coaching sessions provide students an opportunity to talk about both academic and non-academic topics as they transition to the University of Arizona.
Adjusting to and managing your life in college can be a huge challenge, so having an academic skills coach as part of your support system can be beneficial. Some commonly addressed subjects for academic coaching include, but are not limited to:
- Study Strategies
- Time Management
- Testing Anxiety
- Navigating Campus & Finding Resources
- Self-Advocacy
- Health & Wellbeing
- Involvement & Career Advancement Opportunities
- Relationship Building with Campus Staff & Faculty
- Transition into and out of College
- Interpersonal Relationships
Academic skills coaching is all about holistic support. Each student's goals and challenges can vary; your academic coach is ready to hear what skills you want to develop!
Yes. The program sessions are structured so that students can participate in both the Math and Writing opportunities.
Students should expect to commit 6 to 8 hours per week (depending on reading speed) for the Writing workshop.
Students should expect to commit up to 20 hours per week (10 hours in class, 2 hours daily outside class) for the Math workshop.
Wildcat LEAP is a non-credit opportunity. Students will not receive academic credit for their participation and the experience will not be listed on the academic transcript.
The Math program includes scheduled live online class times. The Writing workshop does not have set live online class meeting times, but students will schedule individual times to meet with instructors. Students in all programs, whether Math or Writing, will schedule time to meet weekly with THINK TANK academic skills coaches.
Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Education via email at undergrad@arizona.edu with any questions.